Wednesday 28 August 2013

Reflections from Our Lady of the Flannel

There is so much on my mind these days I hardly know where to start. We are learning about landscape, people, and country but are also learning about ourselves and each other. Primarily, each day we are reminded to be open. This can be a challenge at times, but if I am patient with myself, and give myself time to "feel" a place, I have always been able to find something to appreciate about the experience. Right now, for example, we are in a private campground which at first made me very uncomfortable but was a good choice for real, practical reasons. We have been here 2 nights and I've become so grateful for the hot, wood-fired shower, flush toilet, covered picnic table totally sheltered from wind and rain, and a covered wash area. Heaven are these small luxuries. One thing I've really enjoyed learning about is how the Haida hold women in high esteem, especially the elder women. At the potlatch when the entire crowd was being addressed in speeches, first mentioned were the cheifs and second the "boss ladies" or "esteemed ladies". It is a matrilineal culture and of course, pays due respect to elders. Ceremony seems to play large, and seems to involve most of the community if not all. There is so much incredible art and beauty. People are very friendly and there are some vibrant, funky pockets in the small mostly white towns. I am so glad we have come here. The weather has been less than stellar. Mostly I wear rubber boots, my wool toque, a fleeze and have a raincoat on hand. Some will not be surprised to know that my gloves are getting a good workout. But even this, has not really dampened our spirits. I am thinking about work, of any sort, and its value. So many of my daily routines were wrapped aropund my work schedule. Now all that is gone and many of the "rituals" I held dear have been let go. Gladly, this is OK. I find small ways to establish some personal space, and have changed my thinking on some things - like clean just might be a relative thing, and Jiffy Pop just might be the perfect snack. One can do a fair bit of yoga standing up, and sometimes simply breathing is the practice for the day. We are getting better at this thing called travel. As always, love to all. Your love and friendship sustains us.

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