Wednesday 17 July 2013

Pre-travel thoughts from debbie

At this point in our adventures I marvel at 2 things.

First, that there is a wonderful, mysterious, synergy that seems to kick in between Barry and I. We discuss and dance around options. We read guide books, and listen to travel advice from friends. At times we bicker and annoy each other. However, in a moment, one of us will say something (for example, "I think we should go to Nepal", after months of considering only SE Asia) and it is just so clear that this is right for us. It's as if our right choice is already there, just waiting for us to catch up to it. After so much fog, the road ahead clears and we can see which way to go.

Second, that many of our decisions are connected to a single sentence offered up by a friend (usually over a meal!). A seemingly innocuous comment from Daryl has lead us to India; Leslie drew me a picture of how to best sew a sleep-sheet over coffee. My friend Joan called from BC right at the moment Bar and I were pouring over our laptop and road atlas simultaneously, trying to figure out how to get to the Queen Charlotte Islands and then back to Vancouver (a rare phone call at that). How else would I ever have figured out the ferry trip down the inside passage from Prince Rupert to the northern tip of Vancouver Island? Brenda's detailed packing notes will be in our car as we head out, and it is her voice I hear coaching us as we prepare medically (shots, meds, etc). What of the funky, aluminum, collapsible little table we bought from MEC because Jenny recommended travelling in the car with one. The list goes on, but the point is that as we travel and look at certain things, or find ourselves in certain places, we will think of our friends and the contributions they made that have helped shape our entire adventure. I love this association of action with people. And of course, there are some choice items people have given or loaned us for travel. You should see the PERFECT enamelled metal teapot Fiona gave me from her collection of collectables. One example of many. Who recognizes what was once theirs in the photo? In addition to what I said above, we are here on the edge of departure grateful for the varied support of friends and family.

Enough for now. I think I might like this blogging thing.

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